News from regions: Africa

31 Mar 2016

Kenya: Coop Bank receives accolades

On 2 December 2015 the Co-operative Bank of Kenya was recognized with the esteemed Award of Bank of the Year 2015 for Financial Inclusion in the Banker’s Award run by the Financial Times of London. The global award also praised the Bank for the innovative Mcoop Cash mobile platform, which allows customers to do gain access to banking services from their cell phones. The co-operative bank announced a kshs. 12.16 billion Profit before tax for nine months ended September 2015, an impressive 33% rise. This is the highest growth rate in profitability among Kenya’s Tier 1 banks.

Zimbabwe: ZINAHCO takes part in review of co-operative policy

Throughout the past months ZINAHCO, the Zimbabwe National Association of Housing Co-operatives, has been reviewing their by-laws with full participation from its members. The association has been participating in the review of the Cooperative Policy and the Cooperative Societies Act as well, as the main consultant. More recently, they have also conducted trainings for gender and HIV/AIDS and women leadership involving over 200 co-operators.

Zambia: NPMCU develops training centre

The Northern Province Co-operative Marketing Union Ltd (NPMCU) held their annual general meeting on 27 November 2015. Another highlight from last year was developing a training centre that will be used to train the operators of the Presidential Milling Initiative. The government’s initiative aims to introduce 2,000 solar-powered hammer mills to help reduce-mealie-meal prices. NPMCU has also partnered with Kasama District Cooperative Union to better market their soya beans.

Photo: The Co-operative Bank of Kenya


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