Training course introduces Chinese co-operators to the Israeli co-operative movement

25 Feb 2016

China and Israel are strengthening the relationship between the co-operative movements in the two countries. Members of the All China Federation of Marketing Co-operatives visited Israel recently where they took place in a course that looked at the different aspects of the Israeli co-operative experience.

The two-weeks course was the initiative of AJEEC-NISPED, a centre for education, training and project development for societies undergoing fundamental progress of change. Participants also looked at the Israeli co-operative context, legal and financial structures, post-harvest processing, marketing and sales and engaging communities in poverty eradication.

AJEEC-NISPED chair, Mr Mully Dor, said: “We are delighted to welcome our friends from the ACFSMC to Israel. This visit will, we hope, mark the expansion of the relationship between our two organisations in the years ahead, both in terms of training and business links. In particular, we hope to see an increase in the export of co-operative agricultural produce and technology, especially around irrigation and water, as well as the purchase by Israel Coop of packaging materials, shelves and trolleys from China.”


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