The Co-operative College in the UK has reformed its structure to become a member led organisation. For nearly 97 years the Co-operative College has been proud of its strong heritage and is building on that to create an exciting future. To continue to innovate, become more sustainable and meet the growing, changing demand for their services, it has changed its structure to become an independent, member led charity.
“The College of the future will be shaped by members with an equal say on important matters, meaning it’s democratic and inclusive. It will be ultimately accountable to members, ensuring their interests are always supported. As we’re led by co-operative values and principles, all support will be reinvested in serving the co-operative community. We’re excited about our future and we’d love you to be a part of it,” said Simon Parkinson, principal and chief executive of the Co-operative College.
You can become an Individual Member for less than GBP £1 per week. This investment will help to support activities in the UK and internationally for co-operative development and sustainability work in places like Lesotho, Malawi and Sri Lanka.
To find out more about the College’s work and sign up to become a member visit www.co-op.ac.uk.