14th ICA-AP Cooperative Research Conference takes place in Australia

27 Feb 2020

The 14th ICA-AP Cooperative Research Conference was organised as a side event within the 2nd ICA-AP Forum on Development of Cooperatives in Pacific Islands by the ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research (CCR) with the University of Newcastle (UoN), supported by the ICA-EU Partnership on Cooperatives in Development (#Coops4Dev) and Young Scholars Initiative (YSI). 

The theme for the 14th ICA-AP Research Conference was “Cooperation among Cooperatives and Mutuals”. It was attended by over 100 participants from 12 countries: Australia (60), Fiji (1), India (19), Indonesia (2), Japan (2), Kiribati (2), South Korea (2), Malaysia (2), Nepal (4), New Zealand (4), Timore Leste (1) and United Kingdom (2). Researchers, policy makers, practitioners and students, shared their experiences on issues related to cooperation among cooperatives and mutuals, and developed new networks and partnerships around cooperative research and education.  

An Early Career Researchers and Young Scholars workshop was also conducted on December 12 to provide participants with the opportunity to be mentored by senior academicians with rich cooperative experience. This was the first time that an ICA-AP CCR conference held such a workshop.  Prof Akira Kurimoto, from the Institute for Solidarity-based Society, Hosei University, Tokyo, and Chair of the ICA-AP CCR and Prof Morris Altman, Co-chair of the local organising committee, welcomed the 24 scholars from ten countries. The scholars received feedback on their draft papers by senior academicians, who included Prof Morris Altman (Dundee University, School of Business), Prof Olivera Marjanovic (University of Technology Sydney), Prof Branka Krivokapic-Skoko (Charles Sturt University), Dr Paul Thambar (Monash University Melbourne) and Prof Tony Webster (Northumbria University United Kingdom). 

The event featured a break-out session on how to get cooperative research published and how to develop a network for emerging cooperative scholars.

The full report of the conference can be read here.


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