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Rome Strategy suggests measures for unlocking the potential of the social economy actors
Rome Strategy suggests measures for unlocking the potential of the social economy actors
Press release - International Summit of Cooperatives Desjardins Group and the International Co-operative Alliance confirm a third Summit to be held in 2016
Press release - International Summit of Cooperatives Desjardins Group and the International Co-operative Alliance confirm a third Summit to be held in 2016
janschiettecatte - 14/11/2021 - 20:39
Co-operatives have the 'DNA of sustainability'
Co-operatives have the 'DNA of sustainability'
One year of war: A call to keep supporting the Ukrainian cooperative movement
One year of war: A call to keep supporting the Ukrainian cooperative movement
Mondiacult 2022 side-event | Q&A with Stefania Marcone
Mondiacult 2022 side-event | Q&A with Stefania Marcone
‘Trans’itioning Cooperative Binaries
‘Trans’itioning Cooperative Binaries
2023 WCM launch webinar explores the report’s key findings
2023 WCM launch webinar explores the report’s key findings
Cooperation among cooperatives: Learning from the best
Cooperation among cooperatives: Learning from the best
Global Youth Network sets out priorities for 2015
Global Youth Network sets out priorities for 2015
October news from the regions: the Asia-Pacific region
October news from the regions: the Asia-Pacific region