Members Highlights 2017

27 Jan 2017

National Co-operative Confederation of Rwanda (NCCR)

Under engagement, NCCR in partnership with Land’O Lakes organized for a meeting with different partners , the meeting  resulted into formation of a “Cooperative Learning Platform “(CLP) with the aim of getting together different Stakeholders and updating them on the sector developments and National Orientation of the Cooperative movement.

Hon. Francois Kanimba; Minister for Trade and Industry in Rwanda was the Guest of Honor accompanied by Mr. Munanura Apollo  Director General of Rwanda Co-operative Agency, Chairman of NCCR Mr. KATABARWA Augustin with the host NYIRIGIRA Willy, the Coordinator Land’O Lakes.

In June 2017, Rwanda held International Day of Co-operatives celebrations in the Northern Province of Rwanda led by Hon. François Kanimba. The event saw a number of cooperatives countrywide in attendance with some scooping awards from various categories with NCCR getting the award of Good Service Delivery to its members.  


NCCR want a head and partnered with Sustainable Harvest Rwanda and organized for “Let’s talk coffee” program in Kigali. The event brought coffee farmers cooperatives and producers, exporters, importers, buyers and government leaders to discuss challenges, and opportunities facing the coffee industry.  The experts shared their experiences and discussed about the various factors that affect quality and how to improve quality and value.


We also have a MoU with AMIR (Association of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda), to help us establish Rwanda Institute of Cooperatives Entrepreneurship and Microfinance (RICEM)


AWACH Saving and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd

Awach held representative council meeting two times in August and October 2017 to discuss on Leverage ratio and to substitute board members.

As we promote the cooperative image and identity, Awach did five experience sharing program in the year 2017 from Butajira SACCO from Ethiopia, Yetu SACCO from Kenya and South Amenti SACCOS from Kenya. We also went ahead and shared the experience learnt with Kolfe Sub city on administration and cooperatives. All cooperatives came to Awach and got the valuable experience.

During its General Assembly, Awach had discussions on cooperative finance and concentrated mostly on capital and liability that is leverage ratio. Legal framework plays a critical role for the viability and existence of cooperative.

The Awach strategic plan aims to provide assistance to officials and managers so that the growing desire for the cooperative form of enterprise is met with supportive legal frameworks that will release the full potential of members’ economies. 

Fédération des Coopératives d'Approvisionnement et d'Alimentation Générale (FECAAG)


After three (3) years of the Ebola hemorrhagic disease in the country that left us with an economic crisis, social and cultural activities being interfered with and lack of donor Funds and International Institutions has really dragged us behind.

In the interest of preserving cooperative identity, FECAAG has made some highlights as follows:

FECAAG has strengthened the partnership with the Department of Technical Education of Vocational Training and Work, so that they train members in different sectors so that they can create decent employment, economic, social and cultural activities. FECAAG organized for five technical work sessions for its members on the cooperative values and principles of the Alliance. This saw some commitment to the community on protection of the environment in accordance with the decision of the General Assembly (GA).  

Participation and partnership has been experienced where recently we requested for funding from Hadja Djènè Condé Foundation to enable us to strengthen the movement by capacitating our members on various cooperative matters and with different projects for women and youth empowerment in Guinea. Our organization engaged with the State and Cooperative in hopes for a sponsorship, we requested for financial assistance from the Head of State and his government so as to respond to our invitation to Casablanca-Morocco as a pre-conference event for the Alliance Africa. The national network of Guinean cooperatives made a trip to KANKAN to meet its members in agricultural cooperative with too.

In the context of economic, social and environmental sustainability, preservation of capital, social and job creation: we sent the project of the Sangoyah Garages Cooperative (CGS) to the Global ICA for EU funding advice, taking into account the preservation of the climate environment of the community. 
September 14, 2017: Transmission of the flagship FECAAG project to Mr. TCHAMI-GUY GENEVA ILO;
Oct 12, 2017: clarification note (ILO-GENEVA);
The co-operative capital is insignificant, because of the barriers and blockages, only the contributions of some managers of cooperatives that allow us to do some of our activities.
* Lack of training of cooperative members;
* Lack of equipment at all levels, difficult participation due to lack of logistics.


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