Debate Cooperative: Characteristics of companies with high growth

Confederació de Cooperatives de Catalunya
Casa Àsia - Av. Diagonal, 373 - Barcelona
08008 Catalunya

We are holding a Cooperative Debate: How to overcome barriers that limit the growth of companies Program of the debate: 8:30 h_9: 00h - networking coffee 9:00 h_9: 05h - Presentation of the debate series by Xavier Lopez, Director General for Social and Cooperative Economy and Self-Employment and Mercè Fluvià President of the Confederation of Cooperatives of Catalonia 9:05 h_9: 10h - Introduction of speaker by Ramon Bonastre, Director General of Industrial Relations and Quality at Work 9:100 h_9: 40h - Speech by Oriol Amat, Professor of Financial Economics and Accounting at the University Pompeu Fabra 9:40 h_10: 00h - Torn open questions 10:00 h - Closing address by Ramon Bonastre, Director General of Industrial Relations and Quality at Work
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