Africa Finance & Investment Forum 2012

Rabobank Head Office
Croeselaan 18,
Utrecht 3521

Programme The Africa Finance & Investment Forum (AFIF) 2012 will spotlight the need for effective financial solutions for Africa’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Cooperatives. AFIF 2012 will include a range of Workshops, Plenary Sessions, a guided tour to Floriade 2012, business-to-business meetings and the EMRC-Hivos Project Incubator Award. Topics to be discussed: • How to prepare & present your project to potential investors • Available Financial Programmes to Cooperatives & SMEs in Africa • Promoting investment in Africa • Sharing best practices - successful cooperatives in Africa and Worldwide • EMRC-HIVOS Project Incubator Award • And more Programme Features: • 2 workshops • 4 Plenary sessions • Guided tour to Floriade: the world horticulture expo organised once every 10 years • Pre-arranged Business Meetings • Prestigious speakers including: ◦Jean-Michel Severino - I&P pour le Developpement ◦Monty Jones - FARA ◦Berry Marttin - Rabobank ◦Barbara Marcussen - Oikocredit ◦And many more
Contact information


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