Movement makes big contributions to IYC Global Fund

31 May 2012


The Global Fund for the International Year of Co-operatives has almost reached half a million Swiss Francs. The appeal helps the ICA raise awareness of the International Year and ensure the co-operative message reaches a global audience — not just a co-operative one. In the US, the National Cooperative Business Association donated US$50,000 that helped raise the current total to CHF 473,527.20. NCBA represents co-operatives of all types and in all industries across the US. The membership association supports the development of co-operatives nationally and internationally, as well as the provision of education, communications and public policy across the country. A further 42 co-operatives have also sent donations from the following ICA regions: Africa:Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCOBS)The Co-operative Insurance Company of Kenya Ltd. (CIC Insurance) Americas:Instituto Nacional del Cooperativismo (INACOOP)Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Dr. Manuel Zeno Gandía”Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito “Sagrada Familia”Coopseguros del Ecuador S.A. (Coopseguros S.A.)Asociación Colombiana de Cooperativas (ASCOOP)Confederación de Cooperativas de Colombia (CONFECOOP)Cooperativa Médica del Valle y Profesionales de Colombia (COOMEVA)Progressa Entidad Cooperativa de los Empleados de SaludcoopUnimed do Brasil, Confederaçao Nacional das Cooperativas MédicasConfederacion Nacional de Cooperativas de Bolivia (CONCOBOL)Cooperativa de Credito Comunal el buen Samaritano Santa Cruz Limitada (EBS)Central Nacional Unimed - Cooperativa Central (CNU)Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos, Cooperativa Ltda. (IMFC)Banco Credicoop Cooperativo Limitado (BCCL) Asia-Pacific:iCOOP Solidarity of Consumer Co-operatives (iCOOP Korea)Korean Federation of Community Credit Co-operatives (KFCC)Korean National Federation of Fisheries Co-operatives (KNFC) (aka NFFC)National Land Finance Co-operative Society Ltd. Union of Myanmar Central Co-operative Society Ltd.National Co-operative Organisation of Malaysia (ANGKASA)Union of Consumer Societies of the Republic of KazakhstanVietnam Cooperatives Alliance (VCA)New Zealand Co-operatives Association Inc.National Co-operative Agriculture & Rural Development Banks’ Federation Ltd (NCARDB Federation)Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited (CBH Group) Europe:Belarussian Republican Union of Consumer Societies (BELKOOPSOYUZ) Co-operative Central Bank Ltd. (CCB)SOK CorporationConfederation Générale des ScopZentralverband deutscher Konsumgenossenschaften e.V. (ZdK)Lega Nazionale delle Cooperative e Mutue (Legacoop)Lithuanian Union of Co-operative Societies (LITCOOPUNION)Oikocredit, Ecumenical Development Co-operative Society U.A.National Auditing Union of Workers’ Co-operatives (NAUWC)National Union of Handicraft and Production Co-operatives of Romania (UCECOM)Riksbyggen (Co-operative Housing Union)Union of Sugar Beet Growers’ Production Co-operative (Pankobirlik)Central Union of Consumer Societies of Ukraine (UKOOPSPILKA)Belarussian Republican Union of Consumer Societies (BELKOOPSOYUZ) Nicola Kelly, ICA Director of Communications, said: "The ICA would like to extend warm and sincere thanks to the fantastic co-operatives from around the world who have all donated to the ICA’s Global Appeal. The fund now stands at nearly half a million Swiss Francs." • To find out how to support the ICA’s appeal to raise public awareness of the International Year of Co-operatives visit:


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