Co-operative Congress 2014

Birmingham Town Hall
Birmingham B1 2EA

You can’t help but notice there has been dramatic change within the co-operative movement over the past year.

And with big opportunities and challenges ahead, we must now come together to have real, open and honest conversations about the future.

‘Co-operation: How?’ this year’s Co-operative Congress, sponsored by Unity Trust Bank, is a must attend event for anyone engaged with movement.

Who should attend?

You should. This isn’t just for elected members or campaigners. It’s for anyone with a passion for co-operatives and an interest in the future of our movement. Whether you’re a co-operative member, employee, director, in a leadership or operational role, you should join us on Saturday 28 June.

For 2014, there is a cheaper ticket price:

  • £95 (+VAT) for the full day Congress on Saturday 28 June
  • £120 (+VAT) for the full day Congress, plus an informal networking evening on Friday 27 June, following Co-operatives UK’s AGM

We understand that budgets are stretched but we want as many people as possible to come.

This year, it’s not just about attending, it’s about participation; joining the conversation, speaking up, playing an active role in the debate, and crafting some real, tangible actions for the movement as a whole.

Why should you attend?​

This isn’t a typical conference with keynote speakers and presentations, it’s not about being talked at. It is designed to be an inspiring and participative event, based on your collaboration with fellow co-operators, that will give you energy and ideas.

This year’s Congress will be different. The current climate dictates that it has to be. We’ve taken inspiration from Congress of old, from the energetic and vibrant debates that shaped the future of the movement, but we’ll be adding a modern twist…

Speak up for the co-operative movement

Co-operative Congress 2014 will be a historic event. It won’t be a talking shop. Yes, we want a frank conversation about the movement, but we also want some clear and defined actions for co-operators to take away and implement.

We’re set to release facilitation details soon, but we think this event will feel very different and we’re determined to make sure as many people as possible get heard.

Following the event, a five point plan will be drawn up. Five proposals that all participants can take back to their co-operatives and put into action.

Get involved

Over the coming weeks we’ll be launching the ‘Co-operation: How?’ website, in association with our media partners, Co-operative News. In the run up to Congress, we want to hear what you have to say; we want your ideas on where next for the UK co-operative movement.

There will be two themes up for discussion in advance. The buzz and debate online and across social networks will help us to shape the event itself.

The themes, drawn from the International Co-operative Alliance ‘Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade’ will be:

  • How do we take participation in membership and governance to the next level?
  • How do we repackage the co-operative message and secure the co-operative identity?

As soon as the site is up and running feel free to comment and get involved. We’ll be looking for participants to kick off conversations on the day, so don’t forget to use the #coophow in your online interactions.

What do I do now?​

  • Pencil in Saturday 28 June in your diary, as well as Friday 27 June if you’re up for some networking
  • The ‘Co-operation: How?’ website is set to go live on Monday 21 April, so watch this space or visit the events page on our website - Congress 2014
  • We’ve already had keen co-operators asking about arrangements, if you want to get organised and book travel now, key timings to note are a 9am start with a 5pm close on Saturday 28 June. If you’re attending the networking session on Friday 27 June it’s a 7;30pm start, following the Co-operatives UK AGM from 5:30pm
  • Let friends and colleagues know that you’re taking part and invite them to come along
  • Tweet that you are attending #coophow, speaking up for the co-operative movement

In co-operation,

Co-operatives UK







Contact information


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