Elections for the office of President of the International Co-operative Alliance 2015-2017

The Alliance elects Monique Leroux (CA) as its new president

The International Co-operative Alliance has, at its 2015 general assembly in Antalya (Turkey), elected Monique F. Leroux (Canada) as its new president. Ms. Leroux is an Alliance board member with a background in finance and will be president of the Alliance for the 2015-2017 term. Read here the announcement.


The 2015 run for the office of President of the Alliance

Nominated for the office of President of the Alliance in 2015 were Mr Ariel Guarco (Argentina), Mr Eudes de Freitas Aquino (Brazil), Mr Jean-Louis Bancel (France), and Mrs Monique Leroux (Canada)The Elections Committee of the International Co-operative Alliance met on 16 September 2015, to review nominations for the position of President. The nominations were to fill the vacancy resulting from Pauline Green’s retirement, for the two years remaining in her term, until the General Assembly meets in 2017. The committee found all four nominations to be in order. 

Candidature dossiers and candidate interviews

Alliance members are kindly invited to download below the candidates' dossiers by clicking on candidates' names. Dossiers include candidates' biographical information plus a statement of their qualifications (english, french and spanish). Clicking on "interview" takes you to an in-depth interview with each of the candidates!  
The Committee is delighted to have such a strong field of outstanding candidates for this important role. Each candidate will have the opportunity to address the General Assembly in Antalya, Turkey immediately prior to the election, which will take place on Friday, 13 November 2015. Please do register to attend the Alliance's bi-annual global conference at www.antalya2015.coop.

“Ask the candidates”! Send the candidates your questions, and read their answers   

The Alliance’s members were offered during the month of October 2015, the opportunity to send questions to the candidates for the office of Alliance President. 

Please find below the candidates' answers.





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