Youth Side Event- Midterm Review of the 13th Africa Ministerial Cooperative Conference

youth side event midterm review of the 13th AMCCO

The International Cooperative Alliance - Africa hosted a Youth Side Event at the Midterm Review of the 13th Africa Ministerial Cooperative Conference which was held on 19th May, 2024 in Maseru, Lesotho.  The theme was:  Empowering African Youth through the Cooperative Business Model: Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development Workshop.

Objectives of the side event:

- Learn how to foster and cultivate leadership in young cooperators.

- Dive and unpack youth entrepreneurship through best practices i.e. how to start a cooperative speaking to the needs of the young people and other enterprise activities.

Eligibility Criteria:

1.   Age Requirement: Participants should be below 35 years of age.

2.  Participants must commit to implementing the action plan defined during the meeting and attending other Youth Network meetings and activities, both virtual and in-person, as scheduled.

3.  Participants should endeavor to mobilize young people in their respective countries into a platform for young cooperators.



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