ICA Africa Regional Board

President (Africa)

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"staff_profile","fid":"168","attributes":{"alt":"","class":"media-image","height":"140","typeof":"foaf:Image","width":"140"}}]]Stanley Charles Muchiri (Kenya)
Mr Muchiri was elected as the ICA Africa President and ratified as the ICA Vice-President for Africa by the ICA General Assembly in Oslo in September 2003. Mr Muchiri is currently Chairman of the Co-operative Bank of Kenya. Mr Muchiri studied administration, bookkeeping and management at the Co-operative College of Kenya. He obtained a certificate in co-operative administration and is a certified public accountant. He also has a diploma in co-operative management from Turin, Italy and attended the University of Wisconsin (USA). He most recently held the postition of General Manager at Muranga Union.

Vice President

Mrs Masenate Seetsa 

Coop Lesotho, Lesotho

Board Members

Dr Youssif Mohamed Youssif Ali
Federation of Cooperative Housing, Egypt
Mr Augustin Katabarwa
National Cooperative Federation of Rwanda, Rwanda (NCCR) 
Mr Japheth Magomere 
CIC Insurance Group , Kenya
Mr Hassan Wakasuvi 
Tanzania Federation of Cooperatives, Tanzania 
Mr Nimrod Wambette
Uganda Cooperative Federation, Uganda 



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