IYC Appeal

Today a generation with collaboration as part of its intrinsic make-up is driving social change. 2012 is our opportunity to tell an audience hungry for answers to global, financial and social challenges about co-operatives.

2012 provides the ICA with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It gives us the chance to communicate the scale and scope of co-operatives, and the benefits they bring, in a way that we can build on for the future. An opportunity to rebrand co-operatives! To help achieve this objective the ICA is seeking to raise 1.5 million Swiss francs.

To deliver the International Year the ICA needs your financial support. ICA members worked hard to get the United Nations designation for 2012 and we know that national organizations also seek to fund their Action Plans for the Year. However, we now have a joint responsibility to ensure that our message reaches a global audience – not just a co-operative one.

We are well on our way and have currently received about one third of the goal set for this year.  We can now build on our position as the leading voice of the co-operative movement and deliver our messages to a global audience through an integrated communications strategy. 2012 is our time – let's make it count!

ICA Director-General Charles Gould


Click below to download the IYC Partnership Brochure or the IYC Appeal Pledge Form.

Get in touch with the appeal team to discuss how you can contribute.


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