On 14 November Co-operative Housing International (CHI) elected a new board at its General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The meeting took place within the framework of the International Co-operative Alliance’s Global Conference and General Assembly.
Anders Lago from HSB in Sweden was elected President for a four-year term and Guido Schwarzendahl from GdW in Germany was re-elected Vice President for a four-year term.
Blase Lambert of CCH in the UK was also elected for a two-year term as Treasurer.
The other members of the board elected are:
- Linda Brockway, NAHC, USA
- Errum Sharif Bhaiji, Karachi Co-operative Housing Societies Union, Pakistan
- Mauricio De la Barra, CONAVICOOP, Chile
- Dr Bernd Rießland, Austrian Federation of Limited-Profit Housing Associations - Auditing Association, GBV, Austria
- Christian Bengtzelius, Riksbyggen, Sweden
- Hans Rupp, ABZ, Switzerland, for a two-year term
With the election the secretariat of CHI now moves to HSB.
Photo: New board of Co-operative Housing International