The Review of International Co-operation is back!

29 Jan 2016

The Review of International Co-operation, the Alliance’s official journal, has resumed publication under the auspices of the Committee on Co-operative Research (CCR).

The Review, first published as the International Co-operative Bulletin in 1907, went on hiatus following the publication of its 2007 centenary edition. Over the past year, the 2012, 2013 and 2014 editions of the Review were published in succession, and planning is under way for the 2015 and 2016 editions.

The three latest editions of the Review share a new design and a renewed mandate: to bridge the gap between co-operative researchers and the broader co-operative movement.

“We wanted to create a publication which would attract submissions from academics but would also  appeal to practitioners,” said CCR Chair Sonja Novkovic. “We aim to publish articles that highlight important issues and connect the research findings to the co-operative movement.”

The 2014 Review features peer reviewed research papers by young scholars. “It is a testament to the high quality of research in co-operative studies by the emerging scholars around the globe,” Dr. Novkovic said. This edition was planned in conjunction with the 2014 launch of the Young Scholars Network, which aims to strengthen networking between experienced and emerging scholars in different parts of the world.    

The 2014 edition of the Review, together with past issues dating back to 1992, can be found on the CCR website at



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