
National Retail Consumer Conference

Based on the delegate feedback from last year's NRCC, the National Retail Consumer Conference returns to the four star Stratford Manor Hotel in Stratford-upon-avon.

United Kingdom

Coop Break 'Energy transition, opportunity for cooperative energy-production'

"It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change." (Darwin) All over Europe hundreds of thousands Europeans show their adaptability


All India Conference of Credit Societies

All India Credit Society Conference held on 1st and 2nd November'2014 at Parwary, Goa, India. More than 3000 credit society are expected to participated from all over the country. Different sessions

<span class="administrative-area">Maharashtra, India</span> , India

2014 Co-operatives Europe General Assembly



From Jumbo Farm to Jam Factory

The Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS) celebrates its 150th anniversary this year.

United Kingdom

CoopEcon 2013

Join us October 4-6 for the second Southeast-wide gathering sponsored by the Southern Grassroots Economies Project. This conference is for people who live in the US South* and are: 1) interested in

<span class="administrative-area">AL</span> , United States

A co-operative approach to social care

SOCIAL CARE - A CO-OPERATIVE APPROACH Meeting the aspirations and needs of an ageing population through ownership &amp; control Monday 29 April 2013, 10.30am – 3.30pm at Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial S

United Kingdom

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan"

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop


“Turkey Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan "

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop

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The first ICA Global Conference plenary…

On 22 January, the soft launch meeting of the

The deadline for submissions for the…