8th International Microinsurance Conference

Munich Re Foundation
Blue Pearl Hotel
Morogoro Road, Ubungo Plaza,
Dar es Salaam

From 6 to 8 November 2012, the 8th International Microinsurance Conference will take place in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. This event is hosted by the Munich Re Foundation and the Microinsurance Network. Around 400 participants and experts from around the world will exchange experiences and discuss the challenges of microinsurance. They include representatives from insurance and reinsurance companies, international organisations, NGOs, development-aid agencies, academics, policymakers, regulators and supervisors. To book your accommodation for this event please contact: Mr. Santosh Kumar - General Manager generalmanager@bluepearlhoteltz.com Blue Pearl Hotel P.O.Box: 4868 Morogoro Road, Ubungo Plaza, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Phone: +255 22 246 1130 / +255 22 246 1131 / +255 22 246 1132 E-mail: info@bluepearlhoteltz.com
Contact information


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