International Year of the Co-operatives Launch - 'How can Local Authorities act more co-operatively'

Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber
Mansion House
High St
Doncaster DN1 1BN

Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber and Cllr Kevin Rodgers (Doncaster, Labour and Co-operative) invite you to a special launch event for International Year of the Co-operatives - 'How can Local Authorities act more co-operatively'. The event will have keynote addresses from Cllr James Alexander, leader of York Council, and Anna Turley, co-ordinator of the national co-operative councils network. There will be contributions from across the co-operative movement including Alex Sobel, Manager of Co-operatives Yorkshire and the Humber, and Cllr Kevin Rodgers of Doncaster Council. The event will explore how the International Year of the Co-operatives can take forward closer co-operation between co-operatives, councillors and local authorities to make our communities a more co-operative place to live. All welcome, the event is free but please register on as places are limited. Refreshments will be provided.
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