On the occasion of the launch by the 2012 UN International Year of Cooperatives, Irecoop Tuscany, training agency of the system of cooperative members to Confcooperative, introduces the first social network platform that will appeal to all the cooperatives to their members , their employees and more generally to those who have interest with respect to the model of cooperative enterprises.
The platform called www.link2.coop.eu aims to be not only a showcase for cooperative societies in which they may make known their services and products on the market but also to promote new projects in the network, create groups work, discussion groups and sharing documents, ideas and opinions.
Among the additional features of the platform is also the opportunity to create real business-type platforms.
Link2coop The project was co-funded by the Florence Chamber of Commerce with a contribution in respect of development initiatives on notice that included the Trade Sector 2011.
Supplier of the project is Yooplus Technology Ltd., a company's Web 2.0-based industry in the province of Florence.
Confcooperative Florence-Prato is the Association of Cooperative Enterprise, which supports the project pressso associated cooperatives.
The project also will provide opportunities for training and to appeal to all those (Cooper and Cooper) who may have difficulty in using the same platform.
Membership in the Social Platform www.Link2coop.eu is free and open to all who have an interest in the cooperative enterprise.

- Contact person:
marco pippolini
- Email: pippolini@irecooptoscana.it
- Website: http://www.linkwcoop.eu