Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025

Call for comments on co-operative principles 3, 5, and 7

The consultation on the DRAFT Guidance Notes for Principles 3, 5 and 7 closed on 15 May 2014. You can still access the documents in English, French, and Spanish below. The Principles Committee will provide an update on the continued process for the remaining Guidance Notes in the autumn of 2014. So please come back and visit this page for more information or watch for news in our e-Digest. In the meantime, you can email principles@ica.coop with any questions.











We seek your expertise!

Under the auspices of the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade, the Principles Committee is leading the drafting of Guidance Notes – interpretation aids for the Co-operative Principles. 


In October 2012 in Manchester, UK, delegates to the General Assembly of the Alliance awarded a mandate to the Principles Committee to create Guidance Notes for the 1995 Co-operative Principles. This initiative is embedded within the Blueprint for a Co-operative Decade as a fundamental activity that will shape the pillar of Identity, strengthening the co-operative difference.


The objectives of the Principles Committee in drafting the Guidance Notes are two-fold:
  • Provide guidance on the Co-operative Principles (as articulated in the Statement on the Co-operative Identity)
  • Establish the irreducible core of each Principle, and thus, of the co-operative identity

On this page you will find the draft Guidance Notes for the following Principles:

  • Member Economic Participation
  • Education, Training, and Information
  • Concern for Community

Please read the draft guidance notes, share them in your networks, discuss them, and send your comments to Hanan El-Youssef, Strategy Manager at elyoussef@ica.coop by 15 May 2014.

We thank you for your continued participation in and support for the Blueprint initiatives. With your contributions, we believe in a successful Co-operative Decade.
The International Co-operative Alliance Team