Last October we met in Rwanda, the land of 1,000 hills, to explore the contribution of cooperatives to sustainable development. We heard from environmental activist Dr Vandana Shiva, who explained how cooperatives could combat the casino economy. We also saw how cooperatives are embedded in the daily life in Rwanda, where 43% of those aged 16 and over are members of cooperatives. From positive peace to fighting inequality or improving the world of work, the conference explored some of the world’s most pressing issues. You can find out more about what happened at the conference by reading the four newsletter we produced in collaboration with Co-op News.
Tuesday's: https://crm.ica.coop/civicrm/mailing/view?id=1912
Wednesday's: https://crm.ica.coop/civicrm/mailing/view?id=1915
Thursday's: https://crm.ica.coop/civicrm/mailing/view?id=1918