
Cooperatives Europe represents 141 million cooperators, uniting, promoting and developing cooperative enterprises across all business sectors in the European region.

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National Retail Consumer Conference

Based on the delegate feedback from last year's NRCC, the National Retail Consumer Conference returns to the four star Stratford Manor Hotel in Stratford-upon-avon.

United Kingdom

Coop Break 'Energy transition, opportunity for cooperative energy-production'

"It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change." (Darwin) All over Europe hundreds of thousands Europeans show their adaptability


Practitioners Forum 2015

What is the Practitioners Forum?

United Kingdom

Community Energy Conference 2015

Following the success of it's 2013 and 2014 national events, Co-operative Energy will be organising the Community Energy Conference 2015.

United Kingdom
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The International Cooperative Alliance is looking for…

The International Cooperative Alliance has announced…

May 2024 saw the ICA gain three new full…