Celebrating the UN International Year
of Cooperatives 2025


Cooperatives of the Americas (formerly ICA-Americas) represents, supports and links around one hundred entities, including confederations, federations and primary cooperatives in the north, central, south and Caribbean region of the Americas.

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Cooperatives of the Americas

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Official launch of IYC 2025 in the Americas

You are invited to the launching ceremony of the Regional Agenda for the International Year of Cooperatives in the Americas Region, taking place on February 20, 2025, at the Jean Clevers Hotel, Pun

XIII Encuentro de Investigadores Latinoamericanos en Cooperativismo (XIII EILAC)

XIII meeting of Latin American researchers in cooperativism took place in Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay on 5-7 September 2024. 


ICA Meet & Greet for cooperatives in the Americas

International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and Cooperatives of the Americas hosted a virtual Meet & Greet on 29 August 2024 to learn how we serve our me

The VI Cooperative Summit of the Americas

The regional organisation of the ICA in the Americas (Cooperatives of the Americas), organised the VI Cooperative Summit of the Americas on 24-27 October 2022.

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