
Cooperatives Europe represents 141 million cooperators, uniting, promoting and developing cooperative enterprises across all business sectors in the European region.

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“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan"

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop


“Turkey Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan "

“Turkish Cooperative Strategy and Action Plan" will be announced to the public by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN, with a well-attended meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. “Turkey Coop


BITAC - International fair of cooperative tourism

BITAC - International fair of cooperative tourism Florence, 10 - 11 novembre 2012 Organized by Alliance of Italian Cooperatives (AGCI, Confcooperative, Legacoop) 10 november, 3.00 pm, Palagio di Pa

<span class="administrative-area">FI</span> , Italy

Gender, generations and gentes in Tuscany's cooperation (Genere, Generazioni e Genti nella cooperazione toscana)

Next Monday, October 8, at the seat of the President of the Region, at Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati (Piazza Duomo 10, Florence), there will be a presentation of the initiatives promoted in Tuscany for

<span class="administrative-area">FI</span> , Italy

Rural Cooperation for the 21st Century: Unique Opportunities for Farm Families

There is growing demand for authentic family farm food with a ‘clean, green’ image.


Mutuals Forum 2012

Join leading mutuals for interactive and informative discussions on the key issues facing mutual organisations and listen to keynote speakers outline their views on the future of the sector. The 201

United Kingdom
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The International Cooperative Alliance is looking for…

The International Cooperative Alliance has announced…

May 2024 saw the ICA gain three new full…